It has been said that images and video on social media gain higher engagement through more likes and sharing. The incredible rise in popularity of platforms like Pinterest and Instagran which are purely image based only proves this.What are your options?YouTube has...
Let’s celebrate, Pinterest is still alive, infact it is more than alive – this platform is fast rising to become one of the giants of the social media world.It had been a while since I had heard anything about Pinterest. It is no secret that this is my all time most...
Having a great looking head shot will assist you with branding for both your business and also yourself.Having a bad head shot will not envoke trust in potential clients/customers. Bad includes: Out of date pictures (I once met someone after connecting with them...
Images. Pinterest is all about images. Therefore images you pin must be high quality, appealing and tell the story of your brand. The more amazing your images are the more chance of success you will have.Pinterest has had the quickest adoption of any other social...
By Craig Allan’FaceBook has over 800 million active monthly users (Dec 2011) across the globe, if it was a country in it’s own right it would be the 3rd largest in the world! Social Media sites have become an effective way of businesses to communicate with...