Images. Pinterest is all about images. Therefore images you pin must be high quality, appealing and tell the story of your brand. The more amazing your images are the more chance of success you will have.Pinterest has had the quickest adoption of any other social...
Since mid 2013, Craig from Visionary has been contributing to the development of a new coworking space – initially to exchange ideas during the feasibility stage and now as Secretary of the recently formed interim board, given the task to turn the dream into...
Do you work with, or are you the type of person who reacts all the time to what is happening in your environment? Juggling all your balls in the air, catching one only to throw it up in the air again?Your product launch is this week – quick send e-mails. That event is...
You need to own your social media – be seen; be engaging; be responsive – all in a timely manner! Hello good time management skills and apps that will help you manage the amount of time you are actually spending on social media. Social media is very overwhelming once...
Do you want to find, attract and win new clients? Nurture and retain existing clients? Entice former clients back? You can do all of this while reducing your marketing and client service costs… is called relationship marketing!The time has come to talk...
Publicity is defined as information used to draw public attention to people, products, services, events and so on.Publicity is an important part of an overall marketing campaign and needs to be managed to ensure that a consistent message or story is told.Publicity can...