There are few businesses who use social media as it should be used. To engage your audience. To create posts that encourage ‘conversation’. There are many different ways that you can do that, which will vary depending on the business that you are in.Recently a local...
It has been said that images and video on social media gain higher engagement through more likes and sharing. The incredible rise in popularity of platforms like Pinterest and Instagran which are purely image based only proves this.What are your options?YouTube has...
Let’s celebrate, Pinterest is still alive, infact it is more than alive – this platform is fast rising to become one of the giants of the social media world.It had been a while since I had heard anything about Pinterest. It is no secret that this is my all time most...
“…We get phone calls out of the blue all the time at Visionary Group from people who can put us “… on first page of Google” – after asking them if they have actually had a look at our business (Digital Marketing Strategy), I politely say “No Thanks”...
Google indicated last year that extra emphasis was going to be given to mobile responsive websites. Furthermore, the early adopters of integrated mobile ready sites with quality local search capabilities are going to be the standout winners with the next Google update...
The motivation for people to start a business is often as diverse as the businesses that they choose to start. For some it comes out of desperation to not being able to find a job; for some it is the need to not want to ‘work for the man’; for others it is because you...