Modern marketing
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Creating a ‘job’ that will challenge and inspire
Have you ever had that feeling that you are doing something that is so totally right for you; You feel excited, energised, positive and buzzing with anticipation as to what wonderful thing will happen next for you; The universe is in alignment, it is all working out...
Heartbleed OpenSSL: A Visionary Group Perspective
There's been a lot of media about a new virus that has been discovered, we wanted to let you know that Visionary Group Client websites are not affected by the new virus.Heartbleed is a server based virus which impacts secure connections, such as online banking and...
Are you ready to start your own business?
The motivation for people to start a business is often as diverse as the businesses that they choose to start. For some it comes out of desperation to not being able to find a job; for some it is the need to not want to ‘work for the man’; for others it is because you...
Ballarat CoLab: From Potential to Purpose
Since mid 2013, Craig from Visionary has been contributing to the development of a new coworking space - initially to exchange ideas during the feasibility stage and now as Secretary of the recently formed interim board, given the task to turn the dream into...
SOLOMO: Will Retail Consumer Big Data Self Regulation Protect Privacy?
Tracking of consumer’s movement within a retail space can give valuable insight into how to sell products and services better - offering yet another dimension to the demographic ‘Big Data’ retailers glean from your everyday shopping.The use of location based services...
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Characteristics of a marketing god/goddess
Do you work with, or are you the type of person who reacts all the time to what is happening in your environment? Juggling all your balls in the air, catching one only to throw it up in the air again?Your product launch is this week – quick send e-mails. That event is...
WordPress vs. Joomla!: Leading Open Source Content Management Systems Worlds Apart?
Since 2007, Visionary Group has used a great number of proprietary and Open Source website development platforms for development of new business websites, redevelopment of existing sites and as part of an integrated Internet marketing campaigns for clients. After a...
Google’s New Hummingbird Algorithm: Continual Improvement Delivering Better Search
Google celebrated 15 years this September, which is a big deal considering the Internet officially started in 1995. Also at this time Google has also rolled out an update of it’s algorithm dubbed ‘hummingbird’, aimed at making searches easier for the user.SEO experts...