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Facebook Changes to affect business

Facebook Changes to affect business

Social media is about that - being social - not salesy. Gently pulling people into your business through telling a compelling story - not thrusting your message onto them and ramming it down throats of unwilling people, over and over and over again. Facebook has...

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Creating Success on Pinterest

Creating Success on Pinterest

Images. Pinterest is all about images. Therefore images you pin must be high quality, appealing and tell the story of your brand. The more amazing your images are the more chance of success you will have.Pinterest has had the quickest adoption of any other social...

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SOLOMO: Will Retail Consumer Big Data Self Regulation Protect Privacy?

Tracking of consumer’s movement within a retail space can give valuable insight into how to sell products and services better - offering yet another dimension to the demographic ‘Big Data’ retailers glean from your everyday shopping.The use of location based services...

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Why You Absolutely Still Need A Business Website!

Why You Absolutely Still Need A Business Website!

Over the years, every now and then when attending networking events, we hear a familiar remark - ‘I don’t need a website’... we respond by saying ‘Good luck with that!’ The role of the website is still as important than it was a decade ago, some may see that social...

What Do I Want From Networking?

What Do I Want From Networking?

I have recently started to extend my networks and attended a few new events, just to see what they are like. I have found meeting new people to be refreshing, and guess what even some doors have been opened for opportunities - I like that!Sometimes you just need to...

Three M’s to a competitive website

Three M’s to a competitive website

Your website is just as important as your shop front or office - as such it should be maintained, managed and marketed in the same way. The three m's of a competitive website:Maintained: This includes keeping content up-to-date, links working, uptime and speed of your...

My website is a waste of time, I don’t need it

Your website is an extension of your business, it should provide information to existing and potential clients/customers, it should give people opportunities to learn more about your offerings and to connect with you. There is not a business type that I can think of...

Why you can’t reach your customer.

Why you can’t reach your customer.

Personalisation – that is the way of the future. Just like your favourite shop knows your name, your partners and kids names, the things you like and how you want to purchase – as will your favourite websites, search engines and social media.It doesn’t matter what...

Good Headshots Will Sell More

Good Headshots Will Sell More

Having a great looking head shot will assist you with branding for both your business and also yourself.Having a bad head shot will not envoke trust in potential clients/customers. Bad includes: Out of date pictures (I once met someone after connecting with them...

Facebook Changes to affect business

Facebook Changes to affect business

Social media is about that - being social - not salesy. Gently pulling people into your business through telling a compelling story - not thrusting your message onto them and ramming it down throats of unwilling people, over and over and over again. Facebook has...

Creating Success on Pinterest

Creating Success on Pinterest

Images. Pinterest is all about images. Therefore images you pin must be high quality, appealing and tell the story of your brand. The more amazing your images are the more chance of success you will have.Pinterest has had the quickest adoption of any other social...


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