Images. Pinterest is all about images. Therefore images you pin must be high quality, appealing and tell the story of your brand. The more amazing your images are the more chance of success you will have.
Pinterest has had the quickest adoption of any other social media platform – it is simple, you see a picture you like you pin it to a board. Using your boards much lie you would a ‘vision board’. 
With images comes the issue of copyright – photographers especially fear losing control of where their images end up and who uses them without paying for them. Businesses need to be aware that they have a duty to ensure that images they use on printed materials or digitally, they have permission to use. This is simple purchase stock images or hire a photographer.
Pinterest does give you the opportunity to add the source code –however this can be changed as it is repined. So if you are uploading your images, add a watermark while these can be removed it will give you a second chance of maintaining your brand exposure. If you are repining make sure that you keep the original source code – it is good Pinterest manners!
There are a number of tools that can help you become a desk top designer. We have reviewed and listed all of these on our business tools page which is available to our marketing members.
There is two other tips for ensuring you get the bets out of your Pinterest pins:
1. Give your image names using your keywords and hyphens instead of spaces, this will make them searchable
2. Use the specified dimensions to ensure that your image looks the best
Don’t forget that you are not limited to just ‘images’ Pinterest is also opening up more opportunity to businesses with the ability to upload YouTube and also Video onto your boards. Recently they announced that gif’s could be played within the platform without having to open a separate website and follow the source code.
Use your imagination to create amazing content on your Pinterest board/s that sell your brand!
For more information on Pinterest become a Visionary marketing member by following this link (special of $5 for the first month and $22 each month after!)
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